
You Can Transform Your Designer Serving Trays Into Versatile Objects of Inspiration

4th Feb 2014

If you are like most, you probably have a few, if not several serving trays stashed throughout your home. They sit in storage awaiting the next dinner party or special occasion to be freed and enjoyed once again. Don’t just stand by and let your precious serving trays gather dust for the better part of the year, take them out and put them to good use. With just a little imagination, you can transform your designer serving trays into versatile objects of inspiration.

Many of you no doubt have any number of books just lying about the house at any given time. You can now make that coffee table look a little more organized by subtly transforming that serving tray into a book holder. By merely stacking those books in a serving tray you have eliminated clutter on the table and organised your books in a way that looks simply fantastic.

An organized kitchen is an efficient kitchen, or so that is what somebody once said to us. A variety of serving trays in various sizes can be used to aid in the organization of your kitchen. Keep those often used spices and oils in a serving tray near the stove for easy access. Keep the salt, pepper and other condiments on a tray to ferry back and forth from the kitchen to the dining room.

Bring a feeling of serenity and calm to your place of repose by placing your glasses, books and other items in a serving tray on your nightstand. You will indeed sleep well knowing you have freed your serving trays and utilized them in the most creative sense.